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Founded by teachers to bring inquiry-based social studies to every classroom

Get to Know
Inquiry Journeys

Welcome! Discover how Inquiry Journeys engages students and supports teachers in inquiry-based elementary social studies.

Engaging and Authentic Social Studies Learning

Think back on the way that you learned social studies…

  • Did you memorize lots of dates?

  • How much knowledge did you gain?

  • What experiences do you remember?

Inquiry Journeys is different! It helps students build deep knowledge and skills through investigation, instruction, and experience. And their learning experiences last a lifetime!

Inquiry Journeys Classroom

An Inquiry Journeys Classroom: Click to Expand

What content do students explore?

What kinds of materials help to engage students?

Kindergarten Sample Materials


Kindergartners explore Adam Rex's School's First Day of School (one of the many read-aloud books in Inquiry Journeys) to learn how even School is nervous about the first day of school!

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In the "Kids Meet a Firefighter" video from HiHo Kids, kindergartners learn about how to ask questions in an interview as they prepare to interview a school helper. 

©2024 inquirED

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