Deeper Learning in Social Studies

Thursday, Feb. 13 @ 3:30 pm CT
Acquire, Connect, Transfer: A Framework for Deeper Knowledge Building
How can students build deeper social studies knowledge and make meaningful connections across disciplines?
Join inquirED and NCSS as we explore a framework for deeper learning with Julie Stern, author of "Learning That Transfers" and "Visible Learning for Social Studies." Discover practical shifts in instructional practice that help students connect ideas and build lasting understanding.

Thursday, Apr. 10 @ 3:30 pm CT
The Walls Can Speak: Making Learning Visible in Social Studies
How can we create classrooms where student thinking and learning are visible and accessible? What strategies can teachers use to display learning in ways that spark discussion, reflection, and deeper engagement?
Join inquirED and NCSS as we explore practical strategies for making learning visible in social studies classrooms with LaKethia White, PD and Learning Lead at inquirED, and teacher guests.

Thursday, Mar. 6 @ 3:30 pm CT
Literacy in Social Studies: Layered Learning with Primary and Secondary Sources
Primary and secondary sources can be powerful tools to build social studies knowledge and literacy skills.
Join inquirED and NCSS as we explore how to layer sources and tasks throughout a social studies Inquiry with Janelle Marker, Director of Inquiry Journeys Curriculum, inquirED. Learn how to use sources and inquiry-based tasks to foster meaningful student learning.

Thursday, May. 8 @ 3:30 pm CT
Storytime in Social Studies: Using Picture Books Across an Inquiry
How can picture books spark inquiry and build knowledge in social studies classrooms?
Join inquirED and NCSS to explore how to integrate picture books that inspire student curiosity and scaffold understanding across an Inquiry. Walk away with practical tools and examples to bring stories to life in your classroom.
Explore Past Webinars
Check out our webinar series collection below. Receive a digest with links to recordings and blog posts!

Strong Communities Start with Social Studies
Discover how social studies education lays the groundwork for informed citizens who, in turn, build vibrant and engaged communities. Featured panelists in this series include Professor Akhil Reed Amar, Representative Stephanie Murphy, LaKethia White, Dr. Judith L. Pace, and more.

Building Background Knowledge: Literacy, Democracy, Community
Our series explored how building background knowledge through social studies improves literacy outcomes and gives students the deep understanding they need to participate in civic life. With special guests Sarah Schwartz (EdWeek), Nell K. Duke (Stand for Children), Dave Eggers (Author), and more.

The Science of Building Knowledge
"The Science of Building Knowledge" webinar series explored how students construct knowledge and how it plays a vital role in their success in college, their careers, and as participants in our democracy. With special guests Daniel Willingham (psychologist, author, and professor at the University of Virginia), Mary Helen Immordino-Yang (Director, USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education) and more.

Rising to the Challenge
"Rising to the Challenge: High-Quality Instruction in K–8 Social Studies" examined the state of social studies education and efforts to implement effective practices. Topics included the impact of policies, the role of instructional materials, and strategies for supporting teachers. Featured guests included Julia H. Kaufman (RAND), John White (Great Minds), and Larry Berger (Amplify Education).

The Future of Social Studies
The "Future of Social Studies" webinar series brought together educators and researchers to discuss key challenges and opportunities in social studies. Topics included inquiry-based practices, culturally responsive education, and the integration of literacy and social studies. Featured speakers included Lawrence Paska (Executive Director, NCSS), Shanti Elangovan (Founder/CEO of inquirED), and Dr. Emma Humphries (Chief Education Officer, iCivics).
Discover Inquiry Journeys
inquirED's Inquiry-Based Elementary Social Studies Curriculum

Inquiry-Based Teaching & Learning
Units and lessons scaffold social studies knowledge and develop critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.

Culturally Responsive Instruction
Strategies and resources help teachers connect instruction to the lived experiences of all students.