Inquiry-Based Learning: A Student-Centered Learning Process
The inquiry process engages students’ drive to discover, their need to question, and their ability to create solutions that transform the world around them.

Inquiry starts with a compelling question...
Moves through a
rigorous investigation…
And culminates in action.
Questions are complex, connecting to students' prior knowledge and driving learning.
Inquiry isn't about filling in blanks on a worksheet. It requires research and critical thinking.
Students use their learning to take action and create solutions that affect the world.
Not all curriculum and instructional practice that claim to be student-centered are the same. So, we’ve created a research-based model for the practice of Authentic Inquiry.

Intentionally-Designed Curriculum

Contains rigorous standards-based content.
Incorporates authentic context and student interests.
Promotes sustained investigation that culminates in action.
Elevates student work by ensuring a public platform for presentation.
Encourages lifelong learning by building teacher knowledge along with students.

Student-Centered Instruction
Facilitates independent learning by providing guidance and scaffolding.
Honors student voice and choice.
Fosters a culture of equity and collaboration.
Differentiates learning and assessment.
Promotes a growth mindset by facilitating meaningful self and peer reflection.



The practice of inquiry has more impact on student performance than any other variable, including student background and prior achievement.