inquirED works with schools and districts to develop teacher capacity for inquiry-based instruction. Inquiry Advocates are crucial partners in this process. Read below to find out more.

Inquiry Advocates are site-based instructional leaders (lead teachers, mentors, instructional coaches, principals) who work closely with inquirED to support teachers as they implement our inquiry-based curriculum and develop their practice. Inquiry Advocates have three primary roles.
Facilitate Inquiry Foundations™ Sessions
Description: Inquiry Advocates lead sessions of Inquiry Foundations - a three-year series of comprehensive courses that build core knowledge of inquiry-based pedagogy. In Inquiry Foundations sessions, teachers critically examine instruction and student learning, while exploring a set of inquiry-based teaching practices.
Support: Through the Inquiry Builder platform, inquirED provides Inquiry Advocates with session plans and teacher-facing resources, including videos, discussion protocols, and activities.
Help Navigate the Inquiry Builder™ Platform
Description: Inquiry Advocates are the go-to support for use of the Inquiry Builder platform. inquirED delivers our curriculum and instructional supports through the Inquiry Builder platform, which is continuously updated with new features and material. The Inquiry Builder allows teachers to assemble Units, select projects, and choose from a bank of lesson plans that are aligned to College and Career Ready standards. Each inquiry-based lesson comes with built-in assessment tools, differentiation strategies, student-facing resources, and tips for facilitation.
Support: Inquiry Advocates receive 1-1 tech support and training as they master the use of the Inquiry Builder.
Provide Feedback to inquirED
Description: Inquiry Advocates provide feedback to inquirED on the implementation of our curriculum and use of the Inquiry Builder. Since inquirED has moved beyond the textbook, our tools and resources can be updated and adapted to respond to the needs of users. Inquiry Advocates are important part of our continuous improvement, providing the feedback we need to improve our products and services.
Support: Inquiry Advocates use several channels and tools specifically designed for feedback - including optional 1-1 coaching sessions with inquirED's Learning Experiences Team.