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Inquiry Journeys: Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Resources

Writer: inquirEDinquirED

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Inquiry Journeys, Elementary Social Studies Curriuclum

Inquiry Journeys, inquirED’s elementary social studies curriculum, was created by teachers to move social studies curriculum beyond the textbook, engaging students and supporting teachers in inquiry-based social studies.

During each unit of Inquiry Journeys, students explore complex social studies questions, conduct sustained investigations of content, and then use their learning to impact the world.

Inquiry Journeys makes it easy for students to investigate social studies content, integrating 1000’s of articles, videos, and other multi-media primary and secondary sources from award-winning providers into its lessons. As they investigate, students collaborate in active learning strategies like Socratic seminars, feedback sessions, questioning protocols, and more – building the skills they will need in the classrooms, worksplaces, and communities of the future.

Inquiry Journeys also makes inquiry-based social studies instruction easier for teachers. As a fully digital curriculum, Inquiry Journeys can bring together all the best content from the web for students to explore - all vetted and approved by inquirED’s team of teachers. Each engaging piece of content is integrated into a teacher-ready lesson plan that includes specific learning objectives linked directly to state social studies and ELA standards.

Teachers can easily access and adapt resources, including slide shows and handouts, without leaving the curriculum using Inquiry Journey's powerful content editor. If teachers need support, PD videos and professional learning sessions are a click away. And Inquiry Journeys never goes out-of-date. All lessons are updated with the most current and relevant information and resources!

To learn more about how Inquiry Journeys can meet the needs of your school or district, meet with one of inquirED's partnership specialists today. They can give you an in-depth tour and provide a demo account to explore units and lessons.

About InquirED

inquirED was founded by teachers with the mission of bringing inquiry-based social studies to every classroom. Inquiry Journeys, inquirED’s elementary social studies curriculum, is used in schools and districts across the country to help students develop deep social studies content knowledge and build the inquiry skills that are essential for a thriving democracy.


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